Referencias sobre la Moringa oleifera
Becker, B and Nair, P.K. 2004. Cultivation of medicinal plants in an Alley Cropping System with Moringa oleifera in the united states Virgin Islands. 1st World Congress of Agroforesty. Orlando, Florida, USA.
Bodner, C.C. and Gerau Roy, E. 1988. A contribution to Bontoc ethnobotaniy. Economic Botany. 42(3):307-369.
Both, F. and Wickena, G.E. 1988. Non-timber uses of selected arid zone trees and srubs in Africa. FAO Conservation Guide 19. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization. 176 pp.
Dahot, M.U.1988. Vitamin contents of the flowers of Moringa oleifera. Pakistan Journal of Biochemistry. 21 (1-2): 21-24.
Dastur, J.F. 1964. Useful plants of India and Pakistan. Bombay: D.B. Taraporebala Sons and Co. 185 pp.
Duke, J.A. 1983. Handbook of Energy Crops. (unpublished).
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Folkard, G. and Sutherland, J. 1996. Moringa oleifera. Agroferesty Today. 8(3): 5-8.
Food and Agricultural Organization. 1982. Fruit-bearing forest trees: technical notes. FAO. Pap. 34 Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization. 177 pp.
Francis, J.K. and Liogier, H.A. 1991. Naturalized exotic tree species in Puerto Rico. Gen. Tech. Rep. SO-82. New Orleans, La: U.S Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station. 12 pp.
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Jahn, S; Musnad, H. and Burgstaller, H. 1986. The tree that purifies water: cultivating multipropose Moringaceae in the Sudan. Unasylva. 38(2): 23-28.
Jothi, P.V; Atlura, J.B and Reddi, C.S. 1990. Pollination ecology of Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae). Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Plant Sciences. 100 (1): 33-42.
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Mahajan, S and Sharma, Y.K. 1984. Production of rayon grade pulp from Moringa oleifera. Indian Forester. 110(3): 303-306.
Mohammed, A.S; Lai, O.M; Muhammad, S.K.S; Long, K. and Ghazali, H.M. 2003. Moringa oleifera, Potentially a New Source of Oleic Acyd-type oil for Malaysia. Investing in Innovation. V3. Bioscience and Biotechnology. Universiti Putra Malaysia. 137-140.
Morton, J.F. 1991. The horseradish tree, Moringa pterigosperma (Moringaceae) A bon to arid lands? Economic Botany. 45 (3) 318-333.
Nasir; E; Ali, S.I. eds. 1972. Flora of West Pakistan: an annotaded catalogue of the vascular plants of West Pakistan and Kashmir Karachy, Pakistan: Fakhri Printing Press.1028 pp.
Nautiyal, B.P and Venhataraman, K.G. 1987. Moringa an ideal tree for social forestry. 1: Growing conditions and uses. Myforest. 23 (1): 53-58.
Parrota, J. 2003. Moringa oleifera Lam. Resedá, horseradish tree. SO-ITF-SM-61. New Orleans, LA: US. Department of Agricultural. Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station. 6 pp.
Ramanchandran, C; Peter, K.V; and Gopalakrishman, P.K. 1980. Drumstick (Moringa oleifera) a multiporpose Indian vegetable . Economic Botany, 34 (3) 276-283.
Serra, T.M; da Silva, J. P; dos Santos, I. C, Meneghetti, M; Meneghetti, S.M; Wolf, C; e Gossmann, M. 2007. Obtençao do Biodiesel metílico a partir de óleo de Moringa oleifera em presença de catalisador básico e ácido. Anais. 30 º Reuniao Anual da Sociedae Brasileira de Quimica.
Sharma, G.K. and Rains; V. 1982. Propagation techniques of Moringa oleifera Lam: En: Khosia, P.K, ed. Improvement of forest biomass: Proceedings of a Symposium. Solan, India. Indian Society of Tree Scientist: 175-181.
Singh, U; Wadhwani, A.M; and Johri, B.M. 1983. Dictionary of economic plants in India. 2 ed . New Delhi: Indian Council of Agricultural Research. 288 pp.
Sutherland, J.P; Folkard, G.K; and Grant, W.D. 1989. Seeds of moringa species as naturally occurring flocculants for water treatment. Science, Technology and Development. 7 (13) 191-197.
Szolnoki, T.W. 1985. Food and fruit trees of the Gambia. Hamburg, Germany: Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Forstund Holzwirtschaft. 132 pp.
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Verma, A.N and Khurana, A.D. 1974. Further host records of Indarbela sp (Lepidoptera: Matarbelidae). Harayana Agricultural University Journal and Research. 4(3) 253-254.
Verma, C.S. 1973. Studies on the factors affecting seed germination of Moringa. Plant Science. 45 (21): 769-770.
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Enlaces de interés:
Descargar "The Incredible hojas de marango" folleto de Descargar Moringa información de los árboles para la vida Haga clic aquí para obtener información sobre la Moringa oleifera de la Wikipedia Una revisión de la evidencia médica de propiedades nutricionales, terapéuticas y profilácticas de Moringa por Fahey #Energía El potencial de la Moringa oleifera para usos agrícolas e industriales porMakkar y Becker
Introducción a la Moringa oleifera:
Clarificación del agua:
Uso Médico:
‘Moringa oleifera’ (undated) Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, Dehra Dun, India. 10 pp.
‘The Miracle Tree. Moringa oleifera: Natural Nutrition for the Tropics’ (1999) LJ Fuglie. Church World Service, Dakar, Senegal. 63pp.
‘Dried Moringa leaves’ (2001) L Fuglie. Footsteps 46:14.
‘The Moringa tree: your multipurpose tree for the family’ (1998) Uganda Environews 5(2):7.
‘The Moringa Workshop’ (1999) Workshop 2-4 September 1999, Christian Village, Kumasi, Ghana. Inter Care and GOAN. 45pp.
‘Trees and Shrubs of the Sahel’ (1986) HJ von Maydell. GTZ, Eschborn, Germany. 525pp.
‘The Moringa Tree’ (2000) ML Price. ECHO Technical Note. ECHO, Florida, USA. 12pp.